
De… ‘Diavolis’ si sfoga

Elio de Angelis, romano, vent’anni, ritornato per l’occasione in F.3 con la sua Chevron dello scorso anno, ha vinto la gara monegasca, esprimendo una netta superiorità sull’intero lotto degli avversari…

De… ‘Diavolis’ vents

Elio de Angelis, twenty years old from Rome, who returned to F.3 for the occasion with his Chevron from last year, won the Monegasque race, expressing a clear superiority over the entire lot of opponents…

De Angelis: Pilota di Sogno

Da una indagine di mercato fatta a suo tempo dalla Parmalat, quando pareva che de Angelis dovesse firmare con la Brabham Alfa, risultò che il pilota era molto gradito al gentil sesso, che incarnava…

De Angelis: Dream Driver

From a market survey carried out at the time by Parmalat, when it seemed that de Angelis had to sign with Brabham Alfa, it turned out that the driver was very pleasing to the gentle sex, who embodied…

A Career in Review

There will never be a definitive answer to the ongoing question of who is the greatest Formula 1 driver of all time, but a significant percentage of people would go for the iconic Ayrton Senna…