
Elio Prima e Dopo

Ad Interlagos abbiamo colto due personaggi che in questi ultimi tempi hanno fatto coincidere appieno i loro interessi; proprio alla vigilia di quella che poi doveva essere la gran domenica…

Elio Before and After

At Interlagos we met two characters who in recent times have made their interests fully coincide; right on the eve of what was to be the great Sunday…

La victoire passa si pres

L’an dernier, il se battait pour se qualifier. Cette année, c’est en pensant aux premières lignes qu’il pilote généreusement sa monoplace. Le moins qu’on puisse dire est qu’il a gagné…

So close to victory

Last year it was a real effort for him to qualify. This year he aims at the front rows when he’s driving in practice. The least one can say is that he’s made the right choice by swooping from Shadow…