Chi Corre Deve Avere Paura

In corsa per il titolo mondiale di Formula Uno 1985, Elio de Angelis sta ottenendo ottimi risultati: primo a Imola, terzo in Brasile e a Montecarlo e quarto all’Estoril. Nato a Roma il 26 marzo 1958…

Who Races Must be Afraid

Racing for the 1985 Formula One world title, Elio de Angelis is achieving excellent results: first in Imola, third in Brazil and Monte Carlo and fourth at Estoril. Born in Rome on March 26, 1958…

Schwieger mutters Liebling

Das Klischee vom Millionärssohn paßt ganz hervorragend: ein schwerreicher Vater, ein wunderschöner Name, Rom als Geburtsstätte. Dazu spielt er konzertreif Klavier…

Mother-in-Law’s Favorite

The cliché of the son of a millionaire fits perfectly: a very rich father, a wonderful name, Rome as the place of birth. In addition, he plays the piano at a concert level…

Lotus a commis une erreur politique

Son nom sonne comme une musique. Mais la mélodie, cette saison, a vire du guilleret au lugubre, du léger au rauque. Elio de Angelis est un homme en colère. De Angelis était à Monza pour disputer…

Lotus made a political mistake

His name sounds like music. But the melody, this season, has veered from perky to mournful, from light to raucous. Elio de Angelis is an angry man. De Angelis was in Monza to compete in his hundredth…

Un terzo al Lotus

Elio de Angelis è uno dei più giovani piloti della F1. Più giovani di lui sono solo Andrea de Cesaris, Martin Brundle e il suo compagno della prossima stagione, Ayrton Senna…

A third to Lotus

Elio de Angelis is one of the youngest F1 drivers. Younger than him are only Andrea de Cesaris, Martin Brundle and his teammate for next season, Ayrton Senna…

The Gentleman’s Relish is Revenge

When Elio de Angelis joined Lotus in 1980, he and Colin Chapman were a mutual admiration society. In this wealthy but talented young man, Chapman saw the promise of patrician values…

Lotus says goodbye to Elio

Team Lotus published the following message in their Lotus World Magazine (December 1985 issue) when the italian driver announced he was leaving the team at the end of the 1985 season…

Posso ancora vincere

È ancora lontano dal record di Carlos Reutemann che riuscì nella sua lunga ed abbastanza sfortunata carriera ad entrare in zona punti (cioè fra i primi sei classificati) quindici volte consecutivamente…