Ayrton Senna

The Gentleman’s Relish is Revenge

When Elio de Angelis joined Lotus in 1980, he and Colin Chapman were a mutual admiration society. In this wealthy but talented young man, Chapman saw the promise of patrician values…

Years of Anger

Leaving the Ilha do Governador airport, Elio de Angelis is faced with an unwelcome surprise: “Acelera Ayrton” (Ayrton go faster) was written on a John Player advertising sign that reminded us of…

Lotus Flower

The eldest of a wealthy Roman family of four children, Elio received an education as complete as it was refined: architecture, law, economics and music (he excelled at the piano)….

Picture of the Day

Elio de Angelis meets Ayrton Senna at the 1984 Dutch Grand Prix in Zandvoort. They would be team mates at Lotus in 1985. Photo by Johan van Elk, that kindly authorized me to publish this picture here.

Fleur de Lotus

Aîné d’une riche famille romaine de quatre enfants, Elio reçut une éducation aussi complète que raffinée: architecture, droit, économie et musique (il excellait au piano)…

Anni di Rabbia

Uscendo dall’aeroporto Ilha do Governador, Elio de Angelis si trova davanti ad una sgradita sorpresa. «Acelera Ayrton» (Ayrton vai più forte), questo c’era scritto su un cartello pubblicitario…

A Career in Review

There will never be a definitive answer to the ongoing question of who is the greatest Formula 1 driver of all time, but a significant percentage of people would go for the iconic Ayrton Senna…

How the tragedy of Elio de Angelis changed F1

Thirty-five years ago Elio de Angelis lost his life after a fiery accident at Paul Ricard that should have had a less serious outcome – and from which the sport learned valuable lessons…

Touched by Angelis

F1’s Fiat Pack – Eddie Cheever, Elio de Angelis and Riccardo Patrese – strode the pit lanes of the world in the 1970s and ‘80s. They all grew up in Italy; They all raced karts – for fun at first and then…

Legends: Elio de Angelis

Looking back at the career of Elio de Angelis, the popular Italian who became synonymous with Lotus but was needlessly killed in a testing accident with Brabham 20 years ago.

Posso ancora vincere

È ancora lontano dal record di Carlos Reutemann che riuscì nella sua lunga ed abbastanza sfortunata carriera ad entrare in zona punti (cioè fra i primi sei classificati) quindici volte consecutivamente…

An Unfinished Symphony

Elio de Angelis could not only out-qualify Senna in an identical car, he was also a virtuoso pianist. Mark Hughes remembers this complex man and asks why he never realised his potential.