Gerard Ducarouge

A Brother’s Memory

Elio De Angelis. I don’t think he was one of us. A normal person, I mean. Elio De Angelis represented, and represents even more today, an exception. A wonderful exception…


The young man is still only twenty-six, but Dallas was his 81st grand prix, more than Rosberg or Prost. He started his F1 life as the son of a rich father, acquired a reputation as a dilettante…

“If Lotus helps me, the title is mine”

The truest, most sincere de Angelis talks about “his” Formula 1 and is a candidate for success in the ’84 World Championship. Five years of Formula One in the pockets. In the foot and in the head…

The Gentleman’s Relish is Revenge

When Elio de Angelis joined Lotus in 1980, he and Colin Chapman were a mutual admiration society. In this wealthy but talented young man, Chapman saw the promise of patrician values…

Le Prince Noir

Cet adolescent intrépide qui écumait les pistes de karting des environs de Rome sous le regard de Giulio, son père, voici maintenant une dizaine d’années, a déjà franchi le cap de l’expérience…

The Black Prince

This intrepid teenager who scoured the karting tracks around Rome under the gaze of Giulio, his father, ten years ago now has already crossed the threshold of experience and memories…

Years of Anger

Leaving the Ilha do Governador airport, Elio de Angelis is faced with an unwelcome surprise: “Acelera Ayrton” (Ayrton go faster) was written on a John Player advertising sign that reminded us of…

Lotus Flower

The eldest of a wealthy Roman family of four children, Elio received an education as complete as it was refined: architecture, law, economics and music (he excelled at the piano)….

Fleur de Lotus

Aîné d’une riche famille romaine de quatre enfants, Elio reçut une éducation aussi complète que raffinée: architecture, droit, économie et musique (il excellait au piano)…

Anni di Rabbia

Uscendo dall’aeroporto Ilha do Governador, Elio de Angelis si trova davanti ad una sgradita sorpresa. «Acelera Ayrton» (Ayrton vai più forte), questo c’era scritto su un cartello pubblicitario…

Picture of the Day

Elio de Angelis and Gerard Ducarouge relaxing a bit during a race weekend of the 1985 Formula 1 season. Photo by Daniele Amaduzzi.
