La F1 1984 secondo Elio de Angelis
Interroghiamo un testimone di primo piano, anzi un protagonista dei Gran Premi, visto che nella classifica iridata alle spalle di “quei due” inafferrabili della McLaren c’è lui, Elio de Angelis…
Interroghiamo un testimone di primo piano, anzi un protagonista dei Gran Premi, visto che nella classifica iridata alle spalle di “quei due” inafferrabili della McLaren c’è lui, Elio de Angelis…
We questioned a prominent witness, indeed a protagonist of the Grands Prix, given that in the championship standings behind “those elusive” McLarens there is him, Elio de Angelis…
The young man is still only twenty-six, but Dallas was his 81st grand prix, more than Rosberg or Prost. He started his F1 life as the son of a rich father, acquired a reputation as a dilettante…
Mike Doodson talks to Team Lotus driver Elio de Angelis: You have the best finishing record of any driver in Formula 1 this year. Have you deliberately tried to finish races instead of winning them?
The truest, most sincere de Angelis talks about “his” Formula 1 and is a candidate for success in the ’84 World Championship. Five years of Formula One in the pockets. In the foot and in the head…
Cet adolescent intrépide qui écumait les pistes de karting des environs de Rome sous le regard de Giulio, son père, voici maintenant une dizaine d’années, a déjà franchi le cap de l’expérience…
This intrepid teenager who scoured the karting tracks around Rome under the gaze of Giulio, his father, ten years ago now has already crossed the threshold of experience and memories…
È l’italiano di turno. Ma senza rimpianti per le occasioni perdute in patria. All’intelligenza di sempre ha saputo unire i frutti dell’esperienza, risultando finalmente pilota di primissimo piano…
He is the Italian on duty. But with no regrets for lost opportunities at home. He has been able to combine the fruits of experience with his usual intelligence, finally becoming a top-class driver…
Il de Angelis più vero, più sincero, parla della «sua» Formula 1 e si candida al successo nel mondiale ‘84. Nelle tasche cinque anni di Formula Uno. Nel piede e nella testa…
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