
De Angelis scrive per noi

Il motore Renault è una bomba, il telaio eccezionale e siamo già più veloci di Prost. Però sono preoccupato per la sicurezza: senza minigonne si rischia troppo…

De Angelis writes for us

The Renault engine is a bomb, the chassis is outstanding, and we are already faster than Prost. But I’m concerned about safety: without miniskirts, you risk too much…

De… ‘Diavolis’ si sfoga

Elio de Angelis, romano, vent’anni, ritornato per l’occasione in F.3 con la sua Chevron dello scorso anno, ha vinto la gara monegasca, esprimendo una netta superiorità sull’intero lotto degli avversari…

De… ‘Diavolis’ vents

Elio de Angelis, twenty years old from Rome, who returned to F.3 for the occasion with his Chevron from last year, won the Monegasque race, expressing a clear superiority over the entire lot of opponents…

Che emozione partire davanti a Villeneuve

Mi arrivano lettere che mi chiedono come si diventa corridori di Formula 1. Istintivamente la risposta sarebbe quella di parlare di tenacia, di volontà, di capacità…

How exciting start in front of Villeneuve

I receive letters asking me how to become a Formula 1 driver. Instinctively the answer would be to talk about tenacity, will, ability. Then, thinking about it, you realize…

Il testamento cristiano di Elio

Con commozione e dolore Elio De Angelis è stato ricordato in pubblico e in privato. A cercare di tracciarne la figura di uomo, prima che di pilota, sono stati in parecchi. Anche perché, nel «Circus»…

The christian testament of Elio

With emotion and pain Elio De Angelis was remembered in public and in private. Many have tried to trace the figure of a man, before that of a driver. Also because, in «Circus», Elio was an…

De Angelis Unpopular… Currently

It was a gorgeous day in Sardinia on August 15. But Elio de Angelis didn’t care. He took no notice of the swimming pool he was lying beside, nor the offshore powerboat anchored nearby…

The French races and the escape from Alcatraz

Alcatraz Island is in the San Francisco Bay and has become famous for being the site of a maximum-security prison. Extremely dangerous inmates or those who had already tried to escape…

Play it again, Elio

De Angelis is remembered for his education, refinement and sympathy. As well as for that great passion of his called piano. Elio de Angelis is one of the greatest drivers…

Too handsome and too rich to succeed

The Italian Elio de Angelis won last Sunday, at the Austrian Zeltweg circuit, the first race of his life. At twenty-four years of age, de Angelis is already a veteran, with four seasons in Formula 1.

Trent’anni senza un amico

Il 15 maggio 1986 moriva, dopo un incidente in un test, un pilota italiano pieno di talento ed eleganza, anche lontano dalle piste. Qui vi Raccontiamo chi era, con il ricordo affettuoso di Nigel Mansell…

Thirty years without a friend

On May 15, 1986, after an accident in a test, died an Italian driver full of talent and elegance, even away from the tracks. Here we tell you who he was, with the fond memory of Nigel Mansell…

We remember you like this

Elio de Angelis, thirty years later. One hundred and eight Grands Prix, two wins, three poles. The numbers appear to be lying embroideries, they say but do not explain. They gasp, find it hard to justify…

Le Prince Noir

Cet adolescent intrépide qui écumait les pistes de karting des environs de Rome sous le regard de Giulio, son père, voici maintenant une dizaine d’années, a déjà franchi le cap de l’expérience…

The Black Prince

This intrepid teenager who scoured the karting tracks around Rome under the gaze of Giulio, his father, ten years ago now has already crossed the threshold of experience and memories…