Elio, dove vai se la Lotus non ce l’hai?
La telefonata di Colin Chapman lo aveva raggiunto il martedì sera, quando gi stava preparando la valigia per Imola. «Elio – gli ha detto il padrone della Lotus – domenica prossima non corriamo…
La telefonata di Colin Chapman lo aveva raggiunto il martedì sera, quando gi stava preparando la valigia per Imola. «Elio – gli ha detto il padrone della Lotus – domenica prossima non corriamo…
The phone call from Colin Chapman reached him on Tuesday evening, when he was already packing his suitcase for Imola. “Elio,” the owner of Lotus told him, “We won’t be racing next Sunday…
Amici miei, non so se ridere o piangere! Certo il terzo posto alle spalle di campioni come Lauda e Prost è un bel risultato. Rimane però il fatto che l’anno scorso avrei lottare di più per il titolo…
My friends, I don’t know whether to laugh or cry! Of course, third place behind champions like Lauda and Prost is a good result. However, the fact remains that last year I would have fought more for the title…
Ad Interlagos abbiamo colto due personaggi che in questi ultimi tempi hanno fatto coincidere appieno i loro interessi; proprio alla vigilia di quella che poi doveva essere la gran domenica…
At Interlagos we met two characters who in recent times have made their interests fully coincide; right on the eve of what was to be the great Sunday…
In corsa per il titolo mondiale di Formula Uno 1985, Elio de Angelis sta ottenendo ottimi risultati: primo a Imola, terzo in Brasile e a Montecarlo e quarto all’Estoril. Nato a Roma il 26 marzo 1958…
Racing for the 1985 Formula One world title, Elio de Angelis is achieving excellent results: first in Imola, third in Brazil and Monte Carlo and fourth at Estoril. Born in Rome on March 26, 1958…
The late Elio de Angelis remains one of the great Italian talents of Formula 1. And in this interview Autoprove.it retrace the stages together with Roberto de Angelis, Elio’s brother, and Andrea Gallignani.
Zandvoort is a high speed circuit and I really love to race on quick tracks – I prefer them to slow tracks like Detroit and Monte Carlo because I love the high-speed corners…
Elio De Angelis. I don’t think he was one of us. A normal person, I mean. Elio De Angelis represented, and represents even more today, an exception. A wonderful exception…
It’s a mad dash along the pit straight in fifth gear towards the Variante del Goodyear before you begin the great big slowing down process, selecting second gear just before you turn…
L’an dernier, il se battait pour se qualifier. Cette année, c’est en pensant aux premières lignes qu’il pilote généreusement sa monoplace. Le moins qu’on puisse dire est qu’il a gagné…
Last year it was a real effort for him to qualify. This year he aims at the front rows when he’s driving in practice. The least one can say is that he’s made the right choice by swooping from Shadow…
Il giorno 15 maggio di trentasei anni fa ci lasciava de Angelis, a seguito di un incidente nei test privati al Ricard. In queste pagine il fratello Roberto traccia un commovente ricordo…
Thirty-six years ago, on 15 May de Angelis left us, following an accident in the private tests at Ricard. In these pages, his brother Roberto draws a moving memory…
Das Klischee vom Millionärssohn paßt ganz hervorragend: ein schwerreicher Vater, ein wunderschöner Name, Rom als Geburtsstätte. Dazu spielt er konzertreif Klavier…
The cliché of the son of a millionaire fits perfectly: a very rich father, a wonderful name, Rome as the place of birth. In addition, he plays the piano at a concert level…
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