La F1 1984 secondo Elio de Angelis
Interroghiamo un testimone di primo piano, anzi un protagonista dei Gran Premi, visto che nella classifica iridata alle spalle di “quei due” inafferrabili della McLaren c’è lui, Elio de Angelis…
Interroghiamo un testimone di primo piano, anzi un protagonista dei Gran Premi, visto che nella classifica iridata alle spalle di “quei due” inafferrabili della McLaren c’è lui, Elio de Angelis…
We questioned a prominent witness, indeed a protagonist of the Grands Prix, given that in the championship standings behind “those elusive” McLarens there is him, Elio de Angelis…
The young man is still only twenty-six, but Dallas was his 81st grand prix, more than Rosberg or Prost. He started his F1 life as the son of a rich father, acquired a reputation as a dilettante…
Born with the proverbial silver spoon in his mouth as the son of a wealthy Roman building contractor, Elio de Angelis made up his mind from an early age that he should carve his own niche in the world…
Son nom sonne comme une musique. Mais la mélodie, cette saison, a vire du guilleret au lugubre, du léger au rauque. Elio de Angelis est un homme en colère. De Angelis était à Monza pour disputer…
His name sounds like music. But the melody, this season, has veered from perky to mournful, from light to raucous. Elio de Angelis is an angry man. De Angelis was in Monza to compete in his hundredth…
Elio de Angelis è uno dei più giovani piloti della F1. Più giovani di lui sono solo Andrea de Cesaris, Martin Brundle e il suo compagno della prossima stagione, Ayrton Senna…
Elio de Angelis is one of the youngest F1 drivers. Younger than him are only Andrea de Cesaris, Martin Brundle and his teammate for next season, Ayrton Senna…
Le interviste • Soddisfatti Patrese e de Angelis. La nuova posizione di guida non infastidisce i piloti, pienamente convinti di avere fra le mani una vettura con cui puntare al titolo.
The Interviews • Satisfied Patrese and de Angelis. The new driving position does not bother the drivers, fully convinced that they have a car in their hands with which can fight for the title.
Mike Doodson talks to Team Lotus driver Elio de Angelis: You have the best finishing record of any driver in Formula 1 this year. Have you deliberately tried to finish races instead of winning them?
La promotion massive des pilotes français en Formule 1 a été l’un des faits majeurs des dernières saisons écoulées, Sept Français en Grands Prix : c’était une situation privilégiée pour un pays. Enviable.
The massive promotion of French drivers in Formula 1 has been one of the major facts of the past seasons, seven French in Grands Prix: it was a privileged situation for a country. Enviable.
At 22 years old, you are even younger than some past champions like Emerson Fittipaldi, Niki Lauda and Jody Scheckter were when they had the opportunity of leading top Grand Prix teams…
Elio De Angelis. 23 years old, Roman (but resident in Monte Carlo like many Formula 1 colleagues), a very dangerous bachelor, he entered the great circus thanks to his father’s money but was able…
The truest, most sincere de Angelis talks about “his” Formula 1 and is a candidate for success in the ’84 World Championship. Five years of Formula One in the pockets. In the foot and in the head…
A pochi giorni dall’inizio del campionato mondiale di Formula 1, siamo andati ad intervistare colui che sicuramente ne sarà uno dei protagonisti principali: il pilota Elio de Angelis…
A few days before the start of the Formula 1 World Championship, we interviewed the man who will surely be one of the main protagonists: Elio de Angelis…
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