Elio de Angelis

Chi Corre Deve Avere Paura

In corsa per il titolo mondiale di Formula Uno 1985, Elio de Angelis sta ottenendo ottimi risultati: primo a Imola, terzo in Brasile e a Montecarlo e quarto all’Estoril. Nato a Roma il 26 marzo 1958…

Who Races Must be Afraid

Racing for the 1985 Formula One world title, Elio de Angelis is achieving excellent results: first in Imola, third in Brazil and Monte Carlo and fourth at Estoril. Born in Rome on March 26, 1958…

Photos by Rosanna de Ria

Many thanks to Rosanna de Ria for kindly authorize us to publish her photos from Imola 1984 on the website! The photos showed here will be also on our regular galleries.

Un Bel Ricordo

The late Elio de Angelis remains one of the great Italian talents of Formula 1. And in this interview Autoprove.it retrace the stages together with Roberto de Angelis, Elio’s brother, and Andrea Gallignani.

A Lap with Elio • Zandvoort

Zandvoort is a high speed circuit and I really love to race on quick tracks – I prefer them to slow tracks like Detroit and Monte Carlo because I love the high-speed corners…

A Brother’s Memory

Elio De Angelis. I don’t think he was one of us. A normal person, I mean. Elio De Angelis represented, and represents even more today, an exception. A wonderful exception…

Roman Oratory

It’s a mad dash along the pit straight in fifth gear towards the Variante del Goodyear before you begin the great big slowing down process, selecting second gear just before you turn…

De Angelis scrive per noi

Il motore Renault è una bomba, il telaio eccezionale e siamo già più veloci di Prost. Però sono preoccupato per la sicurezza: senza minigonne si rischia troppo…

De Angelis writes for us

The Renault engine is a bomb, the chassis is outstanding, and we are already faster than Prost. But I’m concerned about safety: without miniskirts, you risk too much…

La victoire passa si pres

L’an dernier, il se battait pour se qualifier. Cette année, c’est en pensant aux premières lignes qu’il pilote généreusement sa monoplace. Le moins qu’on puisse dire est qu’il a gagné…

So close to victory

Last year it was a real effort for him to qualify. This year he aims at the front rows when he’s driving in practice. The least one can say is that he’s made the right choice by swooping from Shadow…

De… ‘Diavolis’ si sfoga

Elio de Angelis, romano, vent’anni, ritornato per l’occasione in F.3 con la sua Chevron dello scorso anno, ha vinto la gara monegasca, esprimendo una netta superiorità sull’intero lotto degli avversari…

De… ‘Diavolis’ vents

Elio de Angelis, twenty years old from Rome, who returned to F.3 for the occasion with his Chevron from last year, won the Monegasque race, expressing a clear superiority over the entire lot of opponents…

Quel fascino che proprio non si dimentica

Il giorno 15 maggio di trentasei anni fa ci lasciava de Angelis, a seguito di un incidente nei test privati al Ricard. In queste pagine il fratello Roberto traccia un commovente ricordo…

That charm that you just can’t forget

Thirty-six years ago, on 15 May de Angelis left us, following an accident in the private tests at Ricard. In these pages, his brother Roberto draws a moving memory…

Schwieger mutters Liebling

Das Klischee vom Millionärssohn paßt ganz hervorragend: ein schwerreicher Vater, ein wunderschöner Name, Rom als Geburtsstätte. Dazu spielt er konzertreif Klavier…

Mother-in-Law’s Favorite

The cliché of the son of a millionaire fits perfectly: a very rich father, a wonderful name, Rome as the place of birth. In addition, he plays the piano at a concert level…

La F1 1984 secondo Elio de Angelis

Interroghiamo un testimone di primo piano, anzi un protagonista dei Gran Premi, visto che nella classifica iridata alle spalle di “quei due” inafferrabili della McLaren c’è lui, Elio de Angelis…