Elio de Angelis

The finishing touch

Mike Doodson talks to Team Lotus driver Elio de Angelis: You have the best finishing record of any driver in Formula 1 this year. Have you deliberately tried to finish races instead of winning them?

Le talent et la chance

La promotion massive des pilotes français en Formule 1 a été l’un des faits majeurs des dernières saisons écoulées, Sept Français en Grands Prix : c’était une situation privilégiée pour un pays. Enviable.

Talent and luck

The massive promotion of French drivers in Formula 1 has been one of the major facts of the past seasons, seven French in Grands Prix: it was a privileged situation for a country. Enviable.

Photos by Sandro Lorenzut

Many thanks to photographer Sandro Lorenzut for kindly authorize us to use his photos of Elio de Angelis taken during the 1981, 1983 and 1984 seasons. They are also in our respective Galleries.

Trent’anni senza un amico

Il 15 maggio 1986 moriva, dopo un incidente in un test, un pilota italiano pieno di talento ed eleganza, anche lontano dalle piste. Qui vi Raccontiamo chi era, con il ricordo affettuoso di Nigel Mansell…

Thirty years without a friend

On May 15, 1986, after an accident in a test, died an Italian driver full of talent and elegance, even away from the tracks. Here we tell you who he was, with the fond memory of Nigel Mansell…

Face to Face

At 22 years old, you are even younger than some past champions like Emerson Fittipaldi, Niki Lauda and Jody Scheckter were when they had the opportunity of leading top Grand Prix teams…

A lap with Elio • Monza

Elio De Angelis. 23 years old, Roman (but resident in Monte Carlo like many Formula 1 colleagues), a very dangerous bachelor, he entered the great circus thanks to his father’s money but was able…

“If Lotus helps me, the title is mine”

The truest, most sincere de Angelis talks about “his” Formula 1 and is a candidate for success in the ’84 World Championship. Five years of Formula One in the pockets. In the foot and in the head…

Intervista • Ragazza In

A pochi giorni dall’inizio del campionato mondiale di Formula 1, siamo andati ad intervistare colui che sicuramente ne sarà uno dei protagonisti principali: il pilota Elio de Angelis…

Interview • Ragazza In

A few days before the start of the Formula 1 World Championship, we interviewed the man who will surely be one of the main protagonists: Elio de Angelis…

We remember you like this

Elio de Angelis, thirty years later. One hundred and eight Grands Prix, two wins, three poles. The numbers appear to be lying embroideries, they say but do not explain. They gasp, find it hard to justify…

Bar Motorsport

Stellar (!) Episode of “Bar Legend”. We will remember Elio De Angelis exactly 36 years after his death in the tragic Paul Ricard accident at the wheel of the F1 Brabham BT55.

De Angelis: Pilota di Sogno

Da una indagine di mercato fatta a suo tempo dalla Parmalat, quando pareva che de Angelis dovesse firmare con la Brabham Alfa, risultò che il pilota era molto gradito al gentil sesso, che incarnava…

De Angelis: Dream Driver

From a market survey carried out at the time by Parmalat, when it seemed that de Angelis had to sign with Brabham Alfa, it turned out that the driver was very pleasing to the gentle sex, who embodied…

The Gentleman’s Relish is Revenge

When Elio de Angelis joined Lotus in 1980, he and Colin Chapman were a mutual admiration society. In this wealthy but talented young man, Chapman saw the promise of patrician values…

Le Prince Noir

Cet adolescent intrépide qui écumait les pistes de karting des environs de Rome sous le regard de Giulio, son père, voici maintenant une dizaine d’années, a déjà franchi le cap de l’expérience…