Peter Warr

A Brother’s Memory

Elio De Angelis. I don’t think he was one of us. A normal person, I mean. Elio De Angelis represented, and represents even more today, an exception. A wonderful exception…

De Angelis scrive per noi

Il motore Renault è una bomba, il telaio eccezionale e siamo già più veloci di Prost. Però sono preoccupato per la sicurezza: senza minigonne si rischia troppo…

De Angelis writes for us

The Renault engine is a bomb, the chassis is outstanding, and we are already faster than Prost. But I’m concerned about safety: without miniskirts, you risk too much…


The young man is still only twenty-six, but Dallas was his 81st grand prix, more than Rosberg or Prost. He started his F1 life as the son of a rich father, acquired a reputation as a dilettante…

Lotus a commis une erreur politique

Son nom sonne comme une musique. Mais la mélodie, cette saison, a vire du guilleret au lugubre, du léger au rauque. Elio de Angelis est un homme en colère. De Angelis était à Monza pour disputer…

Lotus made a political mistake

His name sounds like music. But the melody, this season, has veered from perky to mournful, from light to raucous. Elio de Angelis is an angry man. De Angelis was in Monza to compete in his hundredth…

Un terzo al Lotus

Elio de Angelis è uno dei più giovani piloti della F1. Più giovani di lui sono solo Andrea de Cesaris, Martin Brundle e il suo compagno della prossima stagione, Ayrton Senna…

A third to Lotus

Elio de Angelis is one of the youngest F1 drivers. Younger than him are only Andrea de Cesaris, Martin Brundle and his teammate for next season, Ayrton Senna…

Trent’anni senza un amico

Il 15 maggio 1986 moriva, dopo un incidente in un test, un pilota italiano pieno di talento ed eleganza, anche lontano dalle piste. Qui vi Raccontiamo chi era, con il ricordo affettuoso di Nigel Mansell…

Thirty years without a friend

On May 15, 1986, after an accident in a test, died an Italian driver full of talent and elegance, even away from the tracks. Here we tell you who he was, with the fond memory of Nigel Mansell…

We remember you like this

Elio de Angelis, thirty years later. One hundred and eight Grands Prix, two wins, three poles. The numbers appear to be lying embroideries, they say but do not explain. They gasp, find it hard to justify…

The Gentleman’s Relish is Revenge

When Elio de Angelis joined Lotus in 1980, he and Colin Chapman were a mutual admiration society. In this wealthy but talented young man, Chapman saw the promise of patrician values…

Years of Anger

Leaving the Ilha do Governador airport, Elio de Angelis is faced with an unwelcome surprise: “Acelera Ayrton” (Ayrton go faster) was written on a John Player advertising sign that reminded us of…

Ti ricordiamo così

Il tempo non ha affievolito l’affetto e la stima che Elio aveva guadagnato. Riviviamo la sua carriera nelle testimonianze di personaggi che ne riassumono stile e qualità.

Anni di Rabbia

Uscendo dall’aeroporto Ilha do Governador, Elio de Angelis si trova davanti ad una sgradita sorpresa. «Acelera Ayrton» (Ayrton vai più forte), questo c’era scritto su un cartello pubblicitario…

An Unfinished Symphony

Elio de Angelis could not only out-qualify Senna in an identical car, he was also a virtuoso pianist. Mark Hughes remembers this complex man and asks why he never realised his potential.