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♪ My father often asks me why I take the most complicated paths to get to my goals. I’ve never told him to his face, but it's because I find that the pleasure is even greater that way. - Elio de Angelis ♪

We remember you like this

Elio de Angelis, thirty years later. One hundred and eight Grands Prix, two wins, three poles. The numbers appear to be lying embroideries, they say but do not explain. They gasp, find it hard to justify…

Bar Motorsport

Stellar (!) Episode of “Bar Legend”. We will remember Elio De Angelis exactly 36 years after his death in the tragic Paul Ricard accident at the wheel of the F1 Brabham BT55.

De Angelis: Pilota di Sogno

Da una indagine di mercato fatta a suo tempo dalla Parmalat, quando pareva che de Angelis dovesse firmare con la Brabham Alfa, risultò che il pilota era molto gradito al gentil sesso, che incarnava…

De Angelis: Dream Driver

From a market survey carried out at the time by Parmalat, when it seemed that de Angelis had to sign with Brabham Alfa, it turned out that the driver was very pleasing to the gentle sex, who embodied…

The Gentleman’s Relish is Revenge

When Elio de Angelis joined Lotus in 1980, he and Colin Chapman were a mutual admiration society. In this wealthy but talented young man, Chapman saw the promise of patrician values…

Le Prince Noir

Cet adolescent intrépide qui écumait les pistes de karting des environs de Rome sous le regard de Giulio, son père, voici maintenant une dizaine d’années, a déjà franchi le cap de l’expérience…

The Black Prince

This intrepid teenager who scoured the karting tracks around Rome under the gaze of Giulio, his father, ten years ago now has already crossed the threshold of experience and memories…

Photos by Michel Bergeron

Many thanks to Twitter user Michel Bergeron for allowing us to publish in this website his photos of Elio de Angelis taken during the 1983 and 1985 Canadian Grands Prix.

Da Donna a Donna

Ute Kittelberger, tedesca, fotomodella e indossatrice, è la ragazza di Elio. L’ha conosciuto ad un party di “Playboy” anni fa e ora lo segue dovunque. Dice: “Non mi piace la F.1, alle partenze sto sempre male…

From Woman to Woman

Ute Kittelberger, German, model and actress, is Elio’s girlfriend. She met him at a “Playboy” party years ago and now she follows him everywhere. She says: “I don’t like F1, I always feel bad at starts…

Il ‘Principe’ della Formula 1

Elio de Angelis, a Roman “doc”, born in 1958, arrived in the top championship with the Shadow in 1979 after having distinguished himself in the minor formulas was also part of the dense team…

Years of Anger

Leaving the Ilha do Governador airport, Elio de Angelis is faced with an unwelcome surprise: “Acelera Ayrton” (Ayrton go faster) was written on a John Player advertising sign that reminded us of…

Interview for Autosport • 1983

He lives in a villa situated on one of the Roman hills, together with his father, his brothers and sister, and a few servants. Every morning he gets into his tracksuit and goes running to keep fit…

A lap with Elio • Austria

“After the pit straight, my lap starts with a single-file fast up-hill approach to the Hella Licht chicane. This is a second gear corner which used to be a lot quicker before the advent of the chicane…”

Lotus Flower

The eldest of a wealthy Roman family of four children, Elio received an education as complete as it was refined: architecture, law, economics and music (he excelled at the piano)….