The Gentleman’s Relish is Revenge
When Elio de Angelis joined Lotus in 1980, he and Colin Chapman were a mutual admiration society. In this wealthy but talented young man, Chapman saw the promise of patrician values…
When Elio de Angelis joined Lotus in 1980, he and Colin Chapman were a mutual admiration society. In this wealthy but talented young man, Chapman saw the promise of patrician values…
Ute Kittelberger, tedesca, fotomodella e indossatrice, è la ragazza di Elio. L’ha conosciuto ad un party di “Playboy” anni fa e ora lo segue dovunque. Dice: “Non mi piace la F.1, alle partenze sto sempre male…
Ute Kittelberger, German, model and actress, is Elio’s girlfriend. She met him at a “Playboy” party years ago and now she follows him everywhere. She says: “I don’t like F1, I always feel bad at starts…
Leaving the Ilha do Governador airport, Elio de Angelis is faced with an unwelcome surprise: “Acelera Ayrton” (Ayrton go faster) was written on a John Player advertising sign that reminded us of…
He lives in a villa situated on one of the Roman hills, together with his father, his brothers and sister, and a few servants. Every morning he gets into his tracksuit and goes running to keep fit…
Elio de Angelis ha realizzato una grande performance in Formula 1: da corridore che paga per avere un bolide a disposizione, è diventato corridore pagato. Non è poco, in un mondo dove ci si fa strada…
Elio de Angelis has achieved a great performance in Formula 1: from a driver who pays to have a car available, he has become a paid driver. It is not a small thing, in a world where you make…
“After the pit straight, my lap starts with a single-file fast up-hill approach to the Hella Licht chicane. This is a second gear corner which used to be a lot quicker before the advent of the chicane…”
È l’italiano di turno. Ma senza rimpianti per le occasioni perdute in patria. All’intelligenza di sempre ha saputo unire i frutti dell’esperienza, risultando finalmente pilota di primissimo piano…
He is the Italian on duty. But with no regrets for lost opportunities at home. He has been able to combine the fruits of experience with his usual intelligence, finally becoming a top-class driver…
“After the pit straight, my lap starts with a single-file fast up-hill approach to the Hella Licht chicane. This is a second gear corner which used to be a lot quicker before the advent of the chicane…”
He looks like a tennis player. He’s shown many times that he has the skill and the inclination to win Grands Prix. For goodness’ sake, he’s also an accomplished pianist, who adores the work of Stevie Wonder.
Uscendo dall’aeroporto Ilha do Governador, Elio de Angelis si trova davanti ad una sgradita sorpresa. «Acelera Ayrton» (Ayrton vai più forte), questo c’era scritto su un cartello pubblicitario…
Mr. Andrea Gallignani, Elio’s very good friend, published in the Facebook group ELIO DE ANGELIS ” IL PILOTA GENTLEMAN ” an interview with Elio from the start of the 1986 in which the questions…
Elio De Angelis. 23 anni, romano (ma residente a Montecarlo come molti colleghi di Formula 1), scapolo insidiatissimo, è entrato nel gran circo grazie ai quattrini del padre ma ha saputo rapidamente…
È ancora lontano dal record di Carlos Reutemann che riuscì nella sua lunga ed abbastanza sfortunata carriera ad entrare in zona punti (cioè fra i primi sei classificati) quindici volte consecutivamente…
Il de Angelis più vero, più sincero, parla della «sua» Formula 1 e si candida al successo nel mondiale ‘84. Nelle tasche cinque anni di Formula Uno. Nel piede e nella testa…
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