Sedanini alla Elio

Some time ago a user posted in the Facebook group “Elio de Angelis: Il Pilota Gentleman“ a recipe that she said it was Elio de Angelis’ original: Sedanini alla Elio. She said she had this recipe since Elio was still alive and kindly shared with the group. Now I’m bringing the recipe here in both Italian and English, enjoy!


  • Foglie di salvia fresca tritate molto finemente;
  • Rosmarino tritato finemente;
  • Erba cipollina tritata;
  • Olio extravergine d’oliva;
  • Burro;
  • Sale e pepe;
  • Panna;
  • Pecorino Romano

(Le spezie devono essere in parti uguali)


  • Sciogliere il burro aggiungere l’olio extravergine lasciare intiepidire aggiungere la salvia,il rosmarino e l’erba cipollina.
  • Sale
  • Cuocere la pasta
  • Condire con il sughetto e in ultimo aggiungere pepe e pecorino romano.
  • Importante è che il burro e olio extravergine devono essere tiepidi quasi freddo altrimenti con il calore le spezie cuociono e perdono l’aroma diventando marrone.
  • Per salvia e rosmarino usa tritatutto (devono essere in polvere)
  • Per l’erba cipollina consiglio di tritarla con un coltello o mezzaluna.


  • Very finely chopped fresh sage leaves;
  • Finely chopped rosemary;
  • Chopped chives;
  • Extra virgin olive oil;
  • Butter;
  • Salt and pepper;
  • Cream;
  • Pecorino Romano
(Spices must be in equal parts)

How to Cook

  • Melt the butter add the extra virgin olive oil let it cool add the sage, rosemary and chives.
  • Salt
  • Cook the pasta
  • Season with the sauce and finally add pepper and pecorino romano.
  • It is important that the butter and extra virgin olive oil must be lukewarm, almost cold, otherwise the spices cook with the heat and lose their aroma, turning brown.
  • For sage and rosemary use food processor (must be powdered)
  • For the chives I recommend chopping it with a knife or ‘mezzaluna’.

What is a Sedanini?

Sedanini is a kind of short-pasta, cut straight, slightly curved in shape and with external ridges which are ideal to hold all kinds of sauces. you can find it in supermarkets or stores specialized in Italian cuisine.

See also:
