New book about Elio de Angelis
It was released today a new book about Elio by Gianluca Teodori and Giorgio Nada Editore: Elio de Angelis il ‘principe’ della Formula 1. Here is the Synopsis translated to English:
“Elio de Angelis, a Roman ‘doc’, born in 1958, arrived in the top championship with the Shadow in 1979 after having distinguished himself in the minor formulas was also part of the dense team of Italian drivers who animated the Formula 1 of the seventies and eighties. His name is inextricably linked to that of Lotus, where he arrived in 1980 to stay there for six seasons during which – despite only taking two victories – he was able to show all his worth by becoming one of the strongest drivers of his time; the sporting rivalry that stood between him and Michele Alboreto is unforgettable, but also the difficult relationship he had with the rising star Ayrton Senna. Great pages of motoring, on and off the tracks, which are relived in this exciting story by Gianluca Teodori.“ In Italian, 232 pages.